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Captivating Moments: Sunrise and Sunset Explorations on the Road

Posted by Anke on Fri February 16, 2024 in Travel Inspiration.

Observing sunrise or sunset is truly captivating, a spectacle to one’s eyes. Doing so from different locations adds a special dimension to the journey, offering rewarding moments to anticipate exciting activities ahead or to reflect on past travel adventures as the day draws to a close.

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Gifting experiences this festive season

Posted on Wed December 2, 2020.

It’s time for #ExperiencesNotThings this festive season, enjoyed in a safe and responsible manner. The beautiful sights of South Africa await, #SouthAfricaIsTravelReady! By gifting experiences, we support industries that have been affected the most by the pandemic and its economic consequences. Not to forget the many conservation-, education- and research projects that are indirectly supported as well.

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A positive outlook to 2021: Put "the routes" on your travel bucket list!

Posted on Thu July 30, 2020.

The saying goes “Never let your memories be greater than your dreams “...and this is so true! Memories are wonderful but it is the present moment that nourishes our inner joy and love for travel. The time will come when we can all travel again, when we can live our travel dreams and create new memories based on real time experiences. Let’s start planning our next trip inspired by the many beautiful destinations South Africa and the Cape’s Country Routes have to offer.

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Let’s get behind that wheel

Posted on Sun July 12, 2020.

As the members of the group regularly exchange online, sharing their best practices with regards to protocols and travel preparations, the group has created inspiring packages to kick-start travel ideas and travel bookings. #BackToTheRoutes and #bestroadtrip is the motto of these packages suggesting different itinerary options. Some are packaged according to themes and niche interests, others packaged according to more traditional routings:

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Back to the “Routes“

Posted on Sat June 20, 2020.

As the travel world we used to know is undergoing severe changes and the so called #VUCA world (a world marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) becomes the new reality, travel experts predict that we will soon be witnessing a #BackToTheRoutes movement, a movement towards travel along the quiet, off the beaten track and crowd-free roads. People long for freedom, personal freedom but also the desire to move around freely, spend time outdoors, witness fauna and flora unfold – enjoy nature at its best!

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